Congress allows therapeutic abortion amid religious outry
Peru’s spy chief refuses to testify
Montesinos ‘takes the 5th’ at trial of his former boss
Peru launches its Place of Memory
A country which forgets its history is destined to repeat it
My interview with Mario Vargas Llosa
Venezuelan opposition leader speaks
Maria Corina Machado says the Venezuelan government can’t sack her.
Does Peru’s First Lady wield too much power?
Peru Wins Territorial Dispute with Chile
In judging a maritime dispute between Peru and Chile, the International Court of Justice has ruled in Peru’s favour. But there’s sticking points.
New trial for Shining Path leader
Abimael Guzman, the former leader of the Maoist rebel group, the Shining Path which terrorised Peru in the 1980s and 90s appears in court for the first time in almost a decade.
Chile’s student movement
When Michelle Bachelet begins her second presidential term in Chile after a landslide win there’s one group of people she’ll need to keep on side. The students.
Changes in Chile
After a landslide election win how will Michelle Bachelet fulfil voters’ high expectations?