Big questions are being asked about how Peru is educating its children. It came last in the international PISA tests in every category. No improvement in nearly 15 years of solid growth.
Author: Dan Collyns
Chile’s student movement
When Michelle Bachelet begins her second presidential term in Chile after a landslide win there’s one group of people she’ll need to keep on side. The students.
Changes in Chile
After a landslide election win how will Michelle Bachelet fulfil voters’ high expectations?
Chile 2014: What next for business?
Chile: The past and the future
Corruption in Peru:
Peruvian politics has been plagued by corruption, with the two likely candidates for president each being investigated for graft has it reached a new low?
Junking combis: Lima’s road to better transport
Every day the streets of the Peruvian capital of Lima get more choked with traffic. Millions of people rely on an informal network of privately-operated buses for transportation. But ‘combis’ and ‘cousters’ are being phased out to make way for more modern transportation.
Peru’s textiles business says it’s being crushed by Chinese imports
Peru’s mining sector: It’s complicated
Peru reopens its UFO investigations agency
Peru’s air force is reopening an office responsible for investigating UFOs due to “increased sightings of anomalous aerial phenomena” in the country’s skies.